Thursday, 22 December 2011

Had I done so...

Destiny. Tis a strange thing me thinks.
Fate is something we may not necessarily be able to comprehend entirely, but it is a phenomenon we must accept and be pleased with. It is a vital part of our faith.
Having said that, it still disappoints me to hear so many people complaining, 'had I taken this rout to work I wouldn't have been late!', 'If only I didn't do that', 'I wish that never happened to me'.
Something I have come to learn after learning that we have a chosen path specifically chosen for us as individuals, is that we can not deter something that was written for us, we just can't. If you were supposed to trip over that paving slab and make a fool of yourself infront of the on coming traffic then, no matter how fast, slowly, carefully or carelessly you were to walk, you would trip and look like an imbicile, and yes, they will laugh - and perhaps you will too.
The saying goes, 'every hardship is a blessing in diguise', and I am the first to attest that this the truth and it is a principle I chose to hold at the forefront of my mind at all times.
I have learnt that things happen for a reason, sometimes I learnt the hard way, but I learned.

So I'd like to tell you,
What I believe to be true,
It hurts and terrifies you now,
But it's vital to remember how,
One day,
You will look back and say,
I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

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